Travel Eat Cook

Trips Around the Earth and Sun

Do you spend a lot of time traveling, planning travel, or just dreaming about travel?  If so, we have a lot in common. 

Since our honeymoon trip to Australia, my husband and I have traveled to more than 43 countries and over 300 cities. 

If like us, you usually have one trip booked and two or more trips in the planning stages, you may be a travel addict.  That’s Ok! 

We hope to give you inspiration for your next adventure here on our blog. 

Lunch at Sea


For most travelers, what to eat next looms large each day on the road. 

Should we go to the market and pick up food for a picnic by the river? 

If we sample all the street food that smells so great, how will we ever be able to enjoy the dinner at the 5-star restaurant we’ve booked.

Inside are tips and tricks we follow to get in the most delicious days.   

During our travels, I am always asking cooks and chefs questions.  “What is that spice?”  “How do you get that texture?”

 At markets, when I find new foods, I ask the shopkeeper, “How do I prepare this?” ”What is your favorite recipe?”

Then, when not on the road, I spend time creating recipes and cooking up the foods we’ve found.

I have so much fun cooking and sharing my love of food with friends and family.  Please enjoy these recipes with your tribe!

Fishmonger - Seattle